Monday 21 November 2022

Runtime dump on SAP HANA

We can use below methods to Analyse HANA database Performance (Memory /CPU). 

Generating a runtime dump 
Creating a kernel profiler trace 
Using the HANA Dump Analyzer too

We will take about Runtime dump. remember one thing this in itself requires resources and may therefore worsen the situation. Hence it better to get Full System info Dumps using SAP HANA cockpit. 

There are a number of ways of recording runtime dumps:

1: SAP HANA cockpit

Alerting & Diagnostics   --> Manage full System information dumps --> Diagnosis File 
choose either a zip file from the list or create new one via Collect Diagnostics

2: From OS level using

1) Login as <sid>adm and run commands below:

..> cdpy
../python_support> python --rtedump --tenant=<tenant> --sets=3 --interval=5 --services=indexserver
The command above creates a set of 3 runtime dumps, for the indexserver, 5 minutes apart for the specified tenant for all hosts (hosts can be specified with --hosts=<hosts>)

To see a full list of options:

../python_support> python --help
2) Wait for the collection to finish.

The latest runtime dump collection can then be downloaded from:

 /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/sapcontrol/snapshots> ls -latr | grep 'fullsystem*'

2) From the OS Level using hdbcons

1) Log into the linux HANA host presenting the issue as sidadm user;

2) Run command 'hdbcons';

3) On the hdbcons console run command below:

 > runtimedump dump

This will create a runtimedump for the host you logged in. The generated file will be under traces directory with naming like 'indexserver....rtedump.trc'.

4) Attach generated trace file to the OSS Message

3: From HANA Studio - SQL Editor

1) Log into HANA with a user with enough privileges to run procedure SYS.MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE_PROC;

2) Execute procedure SYS.MANAGEMENT_CONSOLE_PROC as a prepared statement;

3) Fill in parameter 1 with 'runtime dump dump' and parameter 2 with '<hostname>:<indexserver port>' (without quotes) and execute the statement;

4) Download the generated rtedump file and attach it to the message.

The screenshots below depict an example of how to record that dump in Studio:

4) From HANA Studio - Trace Collection

SAP HANA Studio SP8 adds the possibility of recording one or multiple samples of runtime dump based on a certain time frequency.

For instance, we can record a set of 5 runtime dumps, 1 every minute for every host or for a particular host only. Here are the steps:

1) Go to Administration -> Diagnosis Files;

2) Select "Diagnosis Information -> Collect...";

3) Set the option 'Create and collect one or multiple sets of runtime environment (RTE) dump file(s)';

4) Set the hosts, amount of samples (sets) and frequency on which the runtime dumps will be recorded;

5) Finish.

5) Using SQL Commands (available starting with HANA 2.0 SPS04):


-- OR

CALL FULL_SYSTEM_INFO_DUMP_CREATE('--tenant=<SBID> --rtedump --sets=1 --services=indexserver --interval=1')

6) Known issues related to rtedump creation

 2040144 - SAP HANA DB: Collecting Diagnosis Information from the SAP HANA Studio can cause TLB shootdowns

Sunday 20 November 2022

194685 - How to find work process trace for SM21 System Log or ST22 dump


This article introduces how to find the corresponding work process trace file for SM21 System log error or ST22 dump.

Work process trace file contains important information for SAP Support to analyze the root cause(especially for memory/kernel related issues).


SAP NetWeaver


1. Find out on which application server and on which process did the error/dump occur:

  • Runtime Errors - ST22  

          Logon by EN, check "System environment" section:



  •     System Log - SM21

              The application server is displayed on the result list , then check “Nr” column for the work process number:



2. Switch to the application server from SM51, then search the trace file by ST11.


3. Download (save to txt file) and provide the work process trace file to SAP support if necessary.

Wednesday 21 September 2022

what's the use of SAP Data Services Agent ?

In today's world companies started using both Sap Solutions which is on-premise and cloud. So in that, we need to transfer data from cloud to on-premise or from On-premise to cloud. we need a secure connection, the SAP Data Services Agent provides secure connectivity to on-premise sources in your landscape.

At run-time, the agent will take care of the secure data transfer from the on-premise source to the targets in the cloud. 

At design time, the agent is used to provide metadata browsing functionality for on-premise sources to the web-based user interface.

SAP Data Services Agent is based on SAP Data Services technology, If you want to connect to SAP Cloud Integration for data services, you must use the SAP Data Services Agent.

SAP Cloud Integration for data services Architecture

SAP Cloud Integration for data services interacts with your local SAP landscape via the SAP Data Services Agent and secure HTTPS and RFC connections.

Rupesh Chavan

Sunday 11 September 2022

(PI) IDoc connection information for deleted channels is still present in Application Resources


Even after IDoc channels are deleted, IDoc connection information for relevant channels is still present in Application Resources in SAP NetWeaver Administrator.


An optional background job clears all such invalid connection information and they would not be visible in SAP NetWeaver Administrator.

  1. Go to http://<host>:<port>/nwa > Configuration > Infrastructure > Application Resources.
  2. In the Show menu, select Resource Adapter.
  3. In the Resources List table, locate JavaIdocAdapter and select it.
  4. Choose the Properties tab and proceed as follows:
    1. Add the DeleteConnectionVal property
    2. Set its value to: {{default=true;sleeptime=600 }}
      default=true starts enabling the background job. sleeptime is the time gap (in minutes) between each invocation of the background job;  ( not use a value below 600 )
    3. Save the changes.

Rupesh Chavan

Thursday 1 September 2022

what is RISE with SAP and What’s really included?

 RISE with SAP brings together everything that customers need to transform their business in the way that works

best for customers. Regardless of customer point of departure or how fast they want to move. 


The S/4 HANA Cloud Licensing 

Business Overview. 


Rupesh Chavan

Friday 26 August 2022

What is TCI ( SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions ) and it use ?

SAP Note transport-based correction instruction (TCI) is a new way to deliver ABAP correction instructions to customer in a flexible manner

Up to now, we use the following ways to deliver the corrections : 

• SAP Notes automatic correction instructions

• SAP Notes manual correction instructions

• Support packages (SP)

A :  Comparison: Standard delivery methods and TCI

SAP Note with Correction Instructions Support Package

• Contains very specific, single corrections

• Freely defined dependencies

• CI can be valid for an SP range and can depend on other CIs

• Can be implemented automatically for all supported objects

• Objects that are not supported must be implemented manually and requires developer knowledge. 

Support Package

Contains all corrections that were made after a previous SP shipment

• Corrects the release or the previous SP

• Is imported automatically

Transport- based correction instructions have the following qualities

• ABAP transport with a set of attributes

• Set of objects of one software component version

• Planned deliveries with assembly and validation

• Created out of correction code line

• Only dedicated functionality affected

• Validity is restricted to a certain SP Range

• Dependencies to other corrections and SPs can be defined

• Integrated into standard correction and upgrade process

Availability of TCI in SAP NetWeaver Releases

TCIs are supported with the following SAP NetWeaver releases and products that are based on these releases:

• SAP NetWeaver 7.00 SP09

• SAP NetWeaver 7.01 SP05

• SAP NetWeaver 7.02 SP06

• SAP NetWeaver 7.31 SP01

• SAP NetWeaver 7.40 SP02

• All higher SAP NetWeaver releases from 7.50 onwards

Requirements of TCI

• You can apply a TCI to one software component version only.

• You furthermore need an additional SPAM access authorization for the import that includes one of the following SPAM roles:

o SAP_OCS_STD (complete SPAM access authorizations)

o SAP_OCS_TCI_IMPORT (minimal SPAM access authorization for TCI Import)

Enabling Note Assistant for SAP Note Transport-Based Correction Instructions

Enabling the Note Assistant for SAP Note TCI varies for different releases

Please more information about enabling the NA for TCI for different SAP_BASIS

For SAP_BASIS release 700, 701, and 702, see Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for Lower SAP_BASIS Releases (700, 701, 702)

• For SAP_BASIS release 731 to 751, see Enabling Note Assistant for TCI for SAP_BASIS Releases 731 Onwards.

• SAP_BASIS release 752 SP 00 onwards, bootstrap is enabled by default, and no user action is needed in this regard.


Rupesh Chavan

Thursday 25 August 2022

Initial Setup of the SAP Fiori Launchpad

 To use SAP Fiori apps, users need app-specific SAP Fiori user interface (UI) entities and authorizations. You assign these types of entities to users by means of PFCG roles.

SAP Fiori launchpad is the access point to apps on mobile or desktop devices. To use SAP Fiori apps, users need the following app-specific types of entities:

  • UI

    The SAP Fiori UI entities define which SAP Fiori apps are displayed to the user. The apps are organized through catalogs and groups.

  • Authorizations

    The authorizations that are required to use SAP Fiori launchpad, to start SAP Fiori apps, and to use the business logic and data of the apps.

Dependencies between SAP Fiori UI Entities, OData Services, and Authorizations

The following figure shows the dependencies between the entities:
  • The SAP Fiori UI entities that define which SAP Fiori apps are displayed to the user

  • The OData services that retrieve the dynamic data to be displayed from the business logic for the SAP Fiori apps

  • The authorizations required to start and to use the business logic of the SAP Fiori apps. These authorizations are defined by the OData services.

UI Entities

we use UI Entities to organize apps that are displayed to users. 

  • Catalog

A catalog is a set of apps that you want to make available and authorize for your users. The users can browse through the catalog, choose apps from the catalog, and add them to the entry page of their SAP Fiori launchpad.

Technically, apps are represented by the following:

  • KPI tiles to launch the app
  • App launcher tiles to launch the app



Only the apps that can be accessed directly from the entry page of the SAP Fiori launchpad have an app launcher tile. 


  • Target mappings referencing the actual navigation targets


For launching apps either using a tile or using navigation, users require a target mapping. We recommend that you add the tiles and corresponding target mappings to the same catalog.

  • Group

Groups define the SAP Fiori launchpad entry page. The apps in the group are a subset of apps that are assigned to one or several catalogs. Which tiles are displayed on a user’s entry page depends on the catalogs and groups assigned to the user’s roles. If a group contains apps that are not assigned to the user by catalogs, the app is not displayed on the user’s entry page. In addition, if configured, the user can personalize the entry page by adding or removing apps to pre-delivered groups or self-defined group.

You maintain catalogs and groups in the launchpad designer. SAP delivers technical catalogs which contain apps per application area. In addition, SAP delivers business catalogs and business groups as sample collection of apps relevant for a business role.

As an administrator, you can use the technical catalogs as repository to create your own role-specific business catalogs and groups. For more information, see Maintaining Business Catalogs and Business Groups.

PFCG Roles

You use PFCG roles to assign the UI entities and authorizations to the users:

  • PFCG roles on the front-end server

By adding the catalogs to the role menu, you include the apps in the catalog that is available to the users. By adding groups, you define the SAP Fiori launchpad entry page.

To start the apps, users require the start authorizations for the model provider of the activated OData services. To get these start authorizations, you add the OData services to the PFCG role menu. For the OData services the SAP Fiori apps use, see the SAP Fiori app documentation.

If available, the system determines the OData services for a catalog and automatically includes the start authorizations when adding the catalog to the role menu.

For more information, see Create PFCG Role on Front-End and Assign Launchpad Catalogs and Groups.

  • PFCG roles on the back-end server

On the back-end server, the OData services that the SAP Fiori apps use are implemented. Therefore, the users need to have start authorization for the OData service’s data provider, and all the business authorizations for accessing business data displayed in the app.

For object pages, the authorization defaults also include the authorizations for the SAP Fiori search connectors. The OData services carry the authorization defaults for the business authorizations as suggested by SAP.

To get the authorizations, you add the OData services to the PFCG role menu. This adds the start authorizations and the authorization defaults for the business authorizations of the applications to the role. If available, we recommend adding the catalog to the role menu to automatically determine the OData services included in the catalog. With that, you can organize the update of authorizations when the catalog changes. In the figure above, the dotted arrow pointing from the menu of the PFCG role on the back-end to the catalog on the front-end illustrates this recommendation

For more information, see Create PFCG Role on Back End.

Sequence When Starting an SAP Fiori App

  1. When the user starts the SAP Fiori launchpad, the launchpad displays the app tiles that are assigned to users via catalogs and organized in groups.

A launchpad-specific OData service resolves the catalogs and groups a user is assigned to: This service resolves the user’s catalog and group assignments using the PFCG roles the user belongs to on front-end server, by collecting the corresponding catalog and group entries in the PFCG role menu.

  1. To start an SAP Fiori app, the user chooses a tile. The tile resolves the technical SAP Fiori app implementation to be started using a target mapping.

The tiles and target mappings of a catalog or group, which then determine the technical SAP Fiori app implementation, are maintained in the SAP Fiori launchpad designer.

  1. When a user’s browser loads an SAP Fiori app, the app retrieves its dynamic data from the HTTP endpoint of the app-specific OData service on the front-end server. SAP Gateway translates the HTTP request to a trusted RFC call to the SAP Gateway enablement of the back-end server, which then retrieves the data by calling the relevant business logic.

The user requires authorizations for the app-specific OData service, that is, the start authorizations for the service on the front-end server and in the back-end server and the business authorizations required by the business logic.



 Rupesh Chavan

What is SAP Fiori launchpad?

SAP Fiori launchpad is a shell that hosts SAP Fiori apps, and provides the apps with services such as navigation, personalization, embedded support, and application configuration. SAP Fiori launchpad is the entry point to SAP Fiori apps on mobile and desktop devices. It gives users the relevant information they need at a glance and centers on their needs and how they work. The new design of the launchpad displays a panoramic user interface. Users can focus on their daily work and still keep track of what's going on in other areas.

SAP Fiori Launchpad Features

SAP Fiori launchpad offers many key features that can be used by end users, administrators, and developers.

Key Feature


Intuitive design and layout

A user interface that includes:

  • Shell header and footer areas that provide icons and buttons for users to perform various actions, such as the search, a home page, SAP Jam interactions, and app navigation in the header.

  • Home page, displaying app tiles and links arranged in groups—this is the end user's main working area.

  • User Actions Menu that provides access to user-related information and actions including personalization, profile settings, an interaction history, and the option to contact support, or give end user feedback.

  • Notifications that inform users about important business tasks and requests that require their timely action or knowledge.

See: About the Launchpad and Using the Launchpad

Multi-device support

The responsive patterns and controls of SAPUI5 and the adaptive design of apps allows the launchpad to run on desktops, tablets, smartphones, and hybrid devices. The launchpad and its apps accommodate the resolution, image size, and scripting on-the-fly, as users switch between devices, allowing them to work how and where they want.

Flexible branding

Users can change the visual appearance of the launchpad by selecting a theme of their choice:

  • SAP provides standard themes, such as SAP Quartz Light, SAP Belize, SAP Belize Deep, High-Contrast Black, and High-Contrast White.

  • Organizations can create custom themes based on the standard SAP themes.

See: Managing Your Settings and Adjusting the Visual Appearance of the Launchpad

Enhanced search capabilities

Using SAP Enterprise Search and the app finder tool, users can quickly find apps and objects relevant to their daily tasks. From here, users can add apps to their home page in the launchpad.

See: App Finder and Searching for Business Objects and Apps

Cross-app and in-app navigation

Provides users with a vast array of navigation paths to move between their apps and perform their daily tasks. For example:

  • Within apps using a hierarchical navigation menu.

  • Between apps and the group selection bar at the top of the home page.

  • Opening the home page from any app.

  • Navigating to related apps.

  • Navigating to home page groups and catalogs from anywhere in the launchpad using the All My Apps tool.

  • Keyboard shortcuts to quickly navigate to different areas in the launchpad.

See: Navigating Within and Between AppsUsability Features in the Launchpad, and Setting Up Navigation

Personalized user experience

Allows users to personalize their own launchpad experience by:

  • Adding, removing, renaming, and rearranging tiles in groups on the home page.

  • Adding, removing, renaming, hiding, and moving groups.

  • Changing the visual appearance and functionality of the launchpad.

See: Personalizing the Launchpad

Key user adaptation

Key users can change the user interface of SAP Fiori apps directly in the launchpad, intuitively, and without having to write new code.

See: Adapting SAP Fiori UIs at Runtime - Key User Adaptation and Enabling Key User Adaptation

Admin customizations and configurations

Determine runtime behavior and functionality for end users by customizing a multitude of global configuration options in the launchpad's design time, or by integrating supporting SAP products. For example:

  • Creating and configuring tiles, catalogs, and groups using the SAP Fiori launchpad designer.

  • Enabling the display of users' profile pictures or avatars in various controls in the SAP Fiori launchpad.

  • Enabling UI adaptation by users at runtime.

  • Enabling or disabling optional features for end users, for example, the ability to personalize the home page, give feedback, or contact support.

See: Initial Setup of the Launchpad and Configuring the Launchpad

UI client integration

Integrate the launchpad with other UI clients, such as SAP Business Client, SAP Enterprise Portal, SAP Fiori client, and Web browsers. For example, you can run the launchpad embedded in the SAP Business Client, which allows you to call transactions in SAP GUI for Windows, and then gain additional features compared to those provided with SAP GUI for HTML.

See: Integrating the Launchpad with Other UI Clients


Develop and extend the launchpad by:

  • Embedding apps that have been developed with various UI technologies into the launchpad; for example, SAPUI5 Fiori, Web Dynpro ABAP, and SAP GUI for HTML.

  • Consuming launchpad services in SAPUI5 apps, for example to develop navigation across apps.

  • Extending the functionality of the launchpad with custom features using APIs, such as adding new elements to the user interface.

Rupesh Chavan

What is User Interface Technology (SAP_UI ) Technologies in SAP and its details ?

SAP provides a wide set of user interface (UI) technologies for different purposes. The UI frameworks provide capabilities for developing applications tightly integrated into the respective landscapes.

The frameworks and tools available include several that are focused on developing transactional applications, as well as others that help business experts create appealing, state-of-the-art user interfaces without the need for development skills. In the ABAP environment, in particular, there are many options available for extending or adapting existing applications on a code-free basis. The user interface clients provide consolidated access to all of these different applications. They provide structured access through role-based navigation, and a harmonized look and feel across the various underlying UI technologies.

Software Component SAP_UI

User Interface Technology (SAP_UI) is a software component which is available within ABAP platform.

The following UI technologies are delivered as part of this software component:
  • Web Dynpro ABAP and Floorplan Manager
  • SAP Fiori Launchpad
  • UI development toolkit for HTML5
  • UI Theme Designer
  • User Interface Services
  • SAP Business Client
  • SAP Visual Business
  • Social Media Integration

Installation and Upgrade Information

Software components represent the reusable modules of a product. You can upgrade them or install patches on them. You can find information on how to upgrade the SAP_UI component to a higher version in the following SAP Notes:

SAP Note


2217489 Information published on SAP site

Maintenance and update strategy

2616791 Information published on SAP site

SAP_UI 753 minimal installation requirements

2488242 Information published on SAP site

SAP_UI 752 minimal installation requirements

2351291 Information published on SAP site

SAP_UI 751 minimal installation requirements

2227501 Information published on SAP site

SAP_UI 750 minimal installation requirements

2697181 Information published on SAP site

Mapping of SAP_UI 753 SPs and SAPUI5 versions

2491186 Information published on SAP site

Mapping of SAP_UI 752 SPs and SAPUI5 versions

2387422 Information published on SAP site

Mapping of SAP_UI 751 SPs and SAPUI5 versions

2211016 Information published on SAP site

Mapping of SAP_UI 750 SPs and SAPUI5 versions

2618605 Information published on SAP site

SAP Fiori front-end server 5.0 - General Information

2484979 Information published on SAP site

SAP Fiori front-end server 4.0 - General Information

2355644 Information published on SAP site

SAP Fiori front-end server 3.0 - General Information

2219596 Information published on SAP site

SAP Fiori front-end server 2.0 - General Information

2200415 Information published on SAP site

SAP Fiori product versions for SAP_UI 750


Rupesh Chavan