We are going to see "Missing database trigger on the source system". we may face this error after system refresh or in a situation when database trigger got deleted or regenerated in the source system.
System Response
The database triggers for a table were regenerated and replication was stopped for that table.
Changes made to the source database tables made while the triggers are not active cannot be replicated into the HANA system. Data inconsistencies could occur.
Replication can be resumed by manually resetting the failed flags in iuuc_tables and dmc_mt_tables for that particular table and mass transfer. The replicated table might be inconsistent. In order to have a consistent state, a reload of the entire table is recommended.
1: Log in to the SLT system.
A: Go to LTRC-Expert Function -> Reset Status for Triggers and Logging Tables | Select all ” flag'
- as shown below select options and click on execute.
- B: Go to LTRC-Expert Function-> Reset load and replication status check flags as shown below and click on execute.