Monday 13 April 2020

Space requirements of TemSe and spooler


Keyword: TemSe, spooler
Assigned disk space is insufficient for files.
Unix error messages with "errno" 28 - "No space left on device".

Reason and Prerequisites

Less space was provided in the file system than was needed.

This SAP Note provides information about TemSe and spooler requirements.

Space specifications always depend very much on the application profile, data volume and frequency of reorganization and cleanup actions.

TemSe stores datasets sequentially. At present, these are essentially background processing (BatchLog) logs and spool data.

Requirements for background processing logs:
Type: A very large number of small files
Location: /usr/sap/<SYSTEM> /SYS/global/???JOBLG/*
Measure: SP12 -> "TemSe - Administration of Temporary Sequential Data -> Memory allocation"

Requirements for spool requests:
Dependency: Only if profile setting rspo/store_location = G
Type: small and large files
Location: /usr/sap/<SYSTEM>/SYS/global/???SPOOL/*
Delete: RSPO0041 or RSPO1041
Measure: SP12 -> "TemSe - Administration of Temporary Sequential Data -> Memory allocation"

Requirements for output requests:
Dependency: Only during output process
Scope: like the largest lists to be printed
Type: few file
Location: /usr/sap/< SYSTEM>/<INSTANZ>/data/S*
and: /usr/spool/*/*
Delete: automatically after completion of output
Measure: with Unix resources

Stored in particular at the location /usr/sap/<SYSTEM> /SYS/global/* is other data such as payment media, reorganization data, and sort data that can sometimes be VERY large.


+ Assign more disk space.
+ Do not run complex applications at the same time.
+ Run cleanup and deletion porgrams regularly.