Tuesday 31 March 2020


ERROR: disp+work stopped after few seconds

*** DpRqNoWpHandle: SHUTDOWN request from W2 received (reason=DP_SHUTDOWN_LARGE_TIME_DIFF) ***

********** SERVER SNAPSHOT 1 (Reason: Shutdown) - begin **********


we may face this issue while starting SAP application after migration, implementation of DB or Application on the new host.

We observed that Dispatcher getting stopped.


1: Got to work directory of CI or DVEBMGS00
    F:\usr\sap\SID\DVEBMGS00\work   ( windows)

2: Check log of  "dev_disp" and " dev_w0

*** DpRqNoWpHandle: SHUTDOWN request from W2 received (reason=DP_SHUTDOWN_LARGE_TIME_DIFF) ***

Basically this issue we faced when Application and Database hosted on different OS. Hence check the date and time of both host and correct DB time as per Application or Application host time as per DB host time.

perform change when Application and DB are stopped. Once change done start Database and then application.

Your issue seems resolved.


Rupesh Chavan