Monday 30 September 2019

How to check HANA Database client version

HANA Database client version

There are different ways to check HANA Database client version

1: manifest files
We can check version details in manifest file which is located at


hanaserver:hdbadm 70> more manifest
release: 1.00
rev-number: 097
rev-patchlevel: 03

2: We can check HANA Database client version at SAP level
Logon SAP level

      Go to system --> status --> other kernel info ( new small display will open)
      Database information

Note : will get details show below

DB Client Library   : SQLDBC
Database Releases:  HANA 1.0, HANA 2.0
DBSL Version     : 749.05
DBSL Patch Level :    701

3: we can check HANA Database client version while doing upgrade. Installation screen will provide installed component version.

4: We can check HANA Database client version at OS level at Application server.
Login at application server at OS level with sidadm user
      Go to work directory
      cdD  ( it will take you /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00 )
      cd work/
      sidadm > cat dev_w21 | grep client
 Loading SQLDBC client runtime (pid=2280)...
 SQLDBC Module  : /usr/sap/ISD/hdbclient/
 SQLDBC client runtime is

Sunday 29 September 2019

How to uninstall HANA Database hdbuninst

There are different method to uninstall HANA database. we are going to use OS and with root user. 

We are going to uninstall HANA database. We may face situation more than one HANA database installed and we need uninstall one Hana database.

Please follow below procedure for same.

1: login on host with root user

2: go to installation directory

/dumps/ 51052325/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64

3: we need to run uninstaller as show below


4: it will ask which HANA DB you want to uninstall then do the selection by providing number as we provided 0. As shown below

5: it will ask for confirmation. Once we confirm it will uninstall HANA database automatically. 
It will remove all data and log files from directory those where created during installation 


/hana/shared/HDB and its subdirectories


Friday 27 September 2019

How to check HANA DB Sync (replication) between primary system and secondary system

How to check HANA DB Sync (replication) between primary system and secondary system

System Replication is in status ACTIVE and you would like to know status of logs shipped from primary system to secondary. There are two ways to check it, one by running SQL minicheck, other through hdbcons command.

1. Inorder to find whether primary system and secondary system are in SYNC, you can run SQL minicheck "HANA_Replication_SystemReplication_Status.txt" attached to SAP Note 1969700.

Output be like:

|PATH         |HOSTS                                  |PORT |SHIP_DELAY_H|MODE      |STATUS|STATUS_DETAILS               |
|ha1 -> ha2|saphana2100 -> saphana2101|30205|       1.46       |SYNCMEM|ERROR |Log shipping timeout occurred|

From SHIP_DELAY_H value, you will know the interval for which logreplay has to happen in secondary system. So the changes in primary for that time (SHIP_DELAY_H) are still needed to be made in secondary

SAP HANA Tenant Databases

SAP HANA supports multiple isolated databases in a single SAP HANA system. These are referred to as tenant databases.

An SAP HANA system is capable of containing more than one tenant database.
A system always has exactly one system database, used for central system administration, and any number of tenant databases (including zero). An SAP HANA system is identified by a single system ID (SID). Databases are identified by a SID and a database name. From the administration perspective, there is a distinction between tasks performed at system level and those performed at database level. Database clients, such as the SAP HANA studio, connect to specific databases.
All the databases share the same installation of database system software, the same computing resources, and the same system administration. However, each database is self-contained and fully isolated with its own:
Set of database users

Database catalog




Traces and logs

Only the system database runs the name server. The name server contains landscape information about the system as a whole, including which tenant databases exist. It also provides indexserver functionality for the system database.
Tenant databases require only an own index server. Servers that do not persist data, such as the compile server and the preprocessor server, run on the system database and serve all databases.

The following figure shows a sample system with three databases (system database and two tenant databases) on a single host.

How to start/stop HANA Database / How to start/stop single tenant database from OS level or from HANA Studio

Please follow below procedure if you have HANA studio install

1: Open HANA studio  
2: go to System DB
3: open SQL ร  run command
Note: We have to provide name tenant database which we have to stop

Stop all tenant databases in the system.

In the system database, execute the SQL statement


 You can also stop tenant databases in the Manage Databases app of the SAP HANA cockpit.

Start all tenant databases.

In the system database, execute the SQL statement


Note: You can also start tenant databases in the Manage Databases app of the SAP HANA cockpit.

STOP HANA System and tenant DATABASE from OS level.

Note: Please login with sidadm of HDB. It will stop HANA DB. It will take time as per size of DB. We can check services status with command   “HDB info “ in duplicate session


Login user id at OS: hdbadm

Run below command after login with hdbadm

HDB stop 


 HDB start

To Check status of HANA service rung below command 

HDB info

Thursday 26 September 2019

How to skip a step during SWPM execution

skip a step during SWPM execution

An error occurred during SWPM execution that it is possible to skip

Follow below procedure

Important: You can only skip a step of a SWPM / SAPinst if the SAP Support or if a SAP Document advised to do it.
Otherwise, if the error/procedure is bypassed the tool can fail afterwards because the tasks to be executed were not done. In this case, the SWPM will stop with an unpredicted error and it will be needed to start the SWPM from scratch.
When advised by a SAP Note or SAP support, the step can be skipped because the procedure is not necessary anymore or it can be done manually.

To skip a step, use the parameter SAPINST_SKIP_ERRORSTEP=true . There are two ways:
             Run SAPinst adding the parameter SAPINST_SKIP_ERRORSTEP=true to the command line.
Example: ./sapinst SAPINST_SKIP_ERRORSTEP=true
             Or, create the environment variable called SAPINST_SKIP_ERRORSTEP with the value true in the context of the user running SAPinst.

Example in Windows: At command prompt:


How to create RFC Destinations for liveCache Applications

RFC Destinations for liveCache Applications

You use this procedure to use liveCache across clients, for example, to initialize liveCache correctly.

1. Create a user with the following authorizations in all production clients:

Cross-application AAAB authorization objects
Authorization object: S_TCODE Value: SE38
Authorization object: S_RFC Activity: 16
Name of RFC object to be protected : /SAPAPO/DM_LC_SYNC, SYST
Type of RFC object to be protected : FUGR
Basis development environment BC_C
Authorization object: S_DEVELOP Value: 03, 16
Authorization object: S_PROGRAM
User action ABAP/4 program : *
Authorization gr.ABAP/4 program : (no input necessary)○
Basis administration BC_A
Authorization object: 'S_BTCH_JOB'
User action: 'RELE'Note
Ensure that the user no longer has the initial password in any of the clients.

Ensure that the user no longer has the initial password in any of the clients.

2. In each client, create a RFC destination by performing the following substeps:

1. Start transaction SM59.

2.Choose Create.

3. Add a CLNT string and the client number (for example, "678") to your system ID (for example, "XYZ") to determine the connection name.

4. Enter the connection name in RFC destination.

5.As a connection type, choose "3" (= SAP S/4HANA backend system destination or connection to the ABAP system).

6. Enter a description for the destination.

7. In the Logon section, enter the user credentials of the user created in this client in step 1.

Ensure that the password is no longer initial, and do not select Current User.

8. Save the changes.

Verifying the Above Steps

To check that you have carried out all the steps correctly, choose Remote Login.
The system should display an SAP S/4HANA backend system window, but not an SAP S/4HANA backend system logon screen. If the system displays an SAP S/4HANA backend system logon screen, check if all steps above were performed correctly, you should check whether or not the user is actually available in this client (in particular). This test is not possible with an RFC destination with a CPIC user.

You create the same user in each client only once. You must, however, ensure that the clients of the destination and user match. The user may also be a CPIC user. The authorization "Authorization object: S_TCODE Value: SE38" and similar should be assigned here also. You should also check if you can implement SAP Note 536291

SAP LiveCache ( LCAPPS or liveCache Applications plugin)

What is SAP LiveCache ( LCAPPS or liveCache Applications plugin)?

SAP LiveCache on SAP HANA If you plan to use the SAP S/4HANA Production Planning & Detailed Scheduling (PP/DS) application, it is important that you install HANA integrated liveCache, which is the HANA component SAP LCA (also called LCAPPS- or liveCache Applications plugin).

You need the liveCache installation only when at least one of your applications use it.

How can we install liveCache?

When configuring your SAP S/4HANA installation package through Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM), you get a screen named Configuration of SAP liveCache with SAP HANA. Here, choose to install liveCache for SAP System.

What is S4HANA

Its 4th generation of SAP production it mains the development process of SAP products those are 
1:  R/2 (Real time, 2 tier)
2; R/3 (Real time, 3 tier)
3: SAP ERP 2004
4: S/4 HANA is released in March 2015.

As shown below S/4HANA is replacing SAP ERP enhancement package

How to move mails when mailbox is full


You may face mailbox size issue while working on important project. please follow following steps to resolve issue in MS office 2003,2007


1-->You need to create PST (Personal folder) if not available
2--> if its already created then need to move email to PST from server mail box.

How to create PST

1 step 

Open your outlook, click on File --> New --> Outlook Data File

Keep the default selection as below & click OK

By default it will open up Outlook folder to create your pst file. Browse for the folder which you have created 

Enter the desired name for your PST file in the File name tab. For e.g we have given file name as  2013

Enter the same PST name again as seen below in the Name tab & Click OK. Your pst file is now created & configured.


Wednesday 25 September 2019

How to increase size of system DB data in Sybase Database


System database consist system database and database SID ( XXX). We can add space by two different method.

1: By adding new device
2: Resizing existing device

We will see resizing existing device means add space in existing device

 Login with sybase user on OS level

         Su – syb<sid>                              SID will be your system SID e.g AB2

        Isql –Usapsa –S<SID> -X             we can you user sa/ sapsso /  and it will ask password 
     sp_helpdevice                             This command will show you all device and file system path


รจ we need to check free space on file system before executing command for resize at OS level

  $ df  -h /sybase/SID/sybsystem

as sufficient space is available now we execute command for space resize
database = sybmgmtdb
Device= sybmgmtdev

In below command we are adding 1 GB space in database "SYBMGMTDB"

disk resize name = 'sybmgmtdev' , size = '1G'
alter database sybmgmtdb on sybmgmtdev = '1G'

We have added 1 GB space in system database