Wednesday 28 October 2020

rpm package 'libatomic1' is not installed

 Hi Guys

In this blog, we are going to see that how to resolve the error "   rpm package 'libatomic1' is not installed" 


While upgrade HANA DB from one version to another then you may face this error "   rpm package 'libatomic1' is not installed'. We can see the procedure of resolving this in the SAP note


 2593824- Linux: Running SAP applications compiled with GCC 7.x

Follow below procedure: 

1: login on Host with root user. 

2: run command


zypper install libgcc_s1 libstdc++6 libatomic1


3: We can see below screen 

Sometimes you may get below error

 # zypper install libgcc_s1 libstdc++6 libatomic1 

 Warning: The /etc/products.d/baseproduct symlink is dangling or missing!
The link must point to your core products .prod file in /etc/products.d.
Refreshing service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_x86_64'.
Problem retrieving the repository index file for service 'SUSE_Linux_Enterprise_Server_x86_64':
Permission to access '' denied.
Check if the URI is valid and accessible.
Refreshing service 'cloud_update'.
Permission to access '' denied.

if you getting the above error then follow the below steps. 

Note: run the below command one by one. we are going to download require file offline then will install file

1:# wget --no-check-certificate

2:#tar -xf late_instance_offline_update_ec2_x86_64_SLE12.tar.gz

3: #cd x86_64

4: #zypper --no-refresh --no-remote --non-interactive in *.rpm

5: # rm /etc/SUSEConnect

6:# rm -f /etc/zypp/{repos,services,credentials}.d/*

7:# rm -f /usr/lib/zypp/plugins/services/*

8:# sed -i '/^# Added by SMT reg/,+1d' /etc/hosts

9:# /usr/sbin/registercloudguest --force-new

once successfully run above commands then run command to instance missing packages. 

10: zypper install libgcc_s1 libstdc++6 libatomic1 

Now packages will get installed successfully. 

Additional Command

AWS_TEST:~ # rpm -qa | grep cloud-regionsrv


AWS-TEST-200:~ # strace -f -p <PID of zypper>

AWS-TEST:~ # SUSEConnect --status-text

Tuesday 13 October 2020

 How to check HANA DB Sync (replication) between the primary system and secondary system

System Replication is in status ACTIVE and you would like to know the status of logs shipped from the primary system to secondary. There are two ways to check it, one by running SQL mini check, other through the hdbcons command.

1. Inorder to find whether the primary system and secondary system are in SYNC, you can run SQL minicheck "HANA_Replication_SystemReplication_Status.txt" attached to SAP Note 1969700.

Output be like:

|PATH         |HOSTS                                  |PORT |SHIP_DELAY_H|MODE      |STATUS|STATUS_DETAILS               |
|ha1 -> ha2|saphana2100 -> saphana2101|30205|       1.46       |SYNCMEM|ERROR |Log shipping timeout occurred|

From SHIP_DELAY_H value, you will know the interval for which logreplay has to happen in secondary system. So the changes in primary for that time (SHIP_DELAY_H) are still needed to be made in secondary

Friday 9 October 2020

How to checks alerts history in HANA Database ?

 Hi Everyone,

In this blog, we are going to see a small but important point. How to check alert history for the last two months? 

Note: There are many views that will help us to alert details but only one view will provide you the history of the last few months. 

Please follow below steps. 

1: Open HANA studio and open SQL console with user with right to execute select query. 

2: Run below SQL statement which will help you to get alters of that HOST. 

select * from "_SYS_STATISTICS"."STATISTICS_ALERTS" where alert_id=5 order by alert_timestamp desc

Get more details about HANA database alerts from below link.

HANA database alerts details


Rupesh Chavan

Wednesday 7 October 2020

How to check HANA database services status at OS ?

 Hi Friend,

In this blog, we are going to see how to HANA database services status with the help of the command line. 

Sometimes,  we observed that we are unable to check the status of HDB services from the HANA studio. at that time we can log in to OS with the user SIDADM ( HANA DB host ). 

1: Login on HANA database host with user <SID>ADM

2: We can check the same in two ways. 

   a: HDB info   ( note HDB must in capital letters )

   b: Sapcontrol -nr xx -function GetProcessList                   ( nr --> instance number/ -function                                                                                           -->   function which like to user ) 

@AWS-D-HDB-TEST:/usr/sap/HXX/HDB00> sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList

07.10.2020 02:39:16



name, description, dispstatus, textstatus, starttime, elapsedtime, pid

hdbdaemon, HDB Daemon, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:35:01, 20:04:15, 9172

hdbcompileserver, HDB Compileserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:05, 20:03:11, 9610

hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:32, 20:02:44, 10629

hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server-COCKPITDB, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:32, 20:02:44, 10632

hdbdiserver, HDB Deployment Infrastructure Server-HDB, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:32, 20:02:44, 10635

hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-COCKPITDB, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:06, 20:03:10, 9662

hdbindexserver, HDB Indexserver-HDB, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:06, 20:03:10, 9665

hdbnameserver, HDB Nameserver, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:35:02, 20:04:14, 9199

hdbpreprocessor, HDB Preprocessor, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:05, 20:03:11, 9613

hdbwebdispatcher, HDB Web Dispatcher, GREEN, Running, 2020 10 06 06:36:32, 20:02:44, 10638

Sunday 4 October 2020

Error: SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege: [2950] user is not authorized:

Hi Guys,

In this blog we are going to see error "Error: SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege: [2950] user is not authorized:

Error: SAP DBTech JDBC: [258]: insufficient privilege: [2950] user is not authorized:


we are getting this error because users doesn't have the analytic privilege to read data from views, tables. 


We can resolve this error by providing the role " MODELING" to user. Role "CONTENT_ADMIN" will help to resolve this error but  The CONTENT_ADMIN role is very privileged and should not be granted to users, particularly in production systems. The CONTENT_ADMIN role should only be used as a template

Hence the best way is we will provide missing analytic privilege is there in MODELING and CONTENT_ADMIN. As we can provide a MODELING role because it will provide access to all packages in the database. Hence to provide restricted access to users means access to a particular package. we can assign a particular package to the user with REPO.READ access with analytic privilege. 

The MODELING role contains the predefined analytic privilege _SYS_BI_CP_ALL. This analytic privilege potentially allows a user to access all the data in activated views that are protected by XML-based analytic privileges, regardless of any other analytic privileges that apply. Although the user must also have the SELECT object privilege on the views to actually be able to access data, the _SYS_BI_CP_ALL analytic privilege should not be granted to users,

after assigning analytic privilege _SYS_BI_CP_ALL to the user. Now ask user to refresh his session and try Data Preview. 

Thank you all

Friday 18 September 2020

what are HANA Service and its types?

 In this glob we will see the process below to the HANA database, there are different processes and different uses. 

In the below snap, we can different process of HANA Database

Friday 4 September 2020

whats use of hdbrsutil in HANA Database?

 We are going to see the use and importance of hdbrsutil tool in the HANA Database. We all know about hdbnsutil but we might not come across or see tool hdbrsutil. 

But in HANA database performance it plays an important role by keeping the ROW store table in memory when the HANA database gets restart or shutdown. this service helps us to keep the row store table in memory so when the database getting the start, there is no need to load a row store table in memory.

in the below snap, we can see Core Hana services 


Note: if the Host on which Hana database installed is restarted then hdbrsutil will stop and when HANA DB starts it will start again with database services. 

Thursday 3 September 2020

How to install HANA Database Client on Windows OS

 We will see how to upgrade or install the HANA database client on Windows OS in this blog

Please follow the steps.

1; Download the HANA database client as per OS and bits from SAP Market and keep it in the software folder.

2. Now execute hdbinst (Command ) or hdbsetup ( GUI)  and select default option for an upgrade from the old version and select 2 for installation 

we can select the default option by pressing enter or enter 1. 


Processes are locked. it's asking to terminate the process. 


This error occurred because SAP application is running. First, stop SAP application before doing SAP HANA client upgrade 

To sum up: Whenever a client application wants to connect to SAP HANA, it needs to use the SAP HANA client software.

Now try again for the upgrade of the HANA database client. and it completed successfully 

Check HANA HANA database client version check 

Thanks :)