Thursday 31 October 2019

The CMS system database is not available. This error cannot be rectified by the end user. BO


Error throws while re-logging.

Account Information Not Recognized: The CMS system database is not available.
This error cannot be rectified by the end user.
Report this error to your system administrator or database administrator. (FWM 02088)


We may face this issue while login on BI link. it was working but not stopped working 

1: Password of admin user might be changed
2: Network issue
3: Database service or database is down 

1: if password is not changed and networking is working fine other BO system then check database connectivity 

a: Login on host with user name and password ( windows) 

Go to database installed directory as shown below.

As we can see above installed database is SAP SQL_Anywhere, now go to windows service 

select service SQL_Anywhere for SAP Business Intelligence and start service 

open new windows browser and try to login with same user name and password

its will work


1557506 - Linux paging improvements

You experience high swapping activity on your Linux system, e.g. when triggering a filesystem backup or similar, although the SAP applications are sized to completely fit into the system's main memory. This results in high response times on the application level as well.

Other Terms

SUSE, SLES, SLES for SAP, Enterprise Server, suse, SuSE, Novell, novell, LINUX, linux, Page Cache, page cache, pagecache, filesystem cache, pagecache swapping, swapping, swappiness, paging, swap partition, swap file, pagecache_limit_mb, page cache limit, memory usage, poor performance, performance problem, bad performance

Reason and Prerequisites

This SAP note describes the possibility to configure a limit for the Linux kernel page cache using the tunables vm.pagecache_limit_mb and vm.pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty, which are available in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 (all Service Packs) and later versions. We recommend to setup the page cache limit only if you experience a performance problem caused by heavy paging / swapping, as it is described below. In order to avoid a bug, which might lead into system freezes on systems with a large amount of CPU cores, we recommend installing a certain minimum version of the SLES Linux kernel. Please refer to section "Known Problems" for more information.

SAP solutions can need large amounts of memory to process business data in memory. Besides the memory needed for the applications, the Linux Kernel is using the remaining free memory for other purposes such as the page cache. The Linux page cache keeps data read from hard disk in main memory to speed up access in case the same data is accessed again. It also caches writes to the filesystem resulting in better write throughput and in hiding latencies for disk writes.
The Linux page cache (this is called filesystem cache on some other systems) is the reason why a Linux system will always show only a small amount of "free" memory after running for a certain time, since every access to hard disk is kept in the page cache as long as there is enough free memory available. The Linux kernel will shrink the page cache automatically, if applications need more memory.

(For more details, please search resources on the Internet, like, as well.)

If the remaining memory available for application data ("free" plus page cache) gets low, the Linux kernel can decide to page out currently inactive memory into the swap partition / swapfile in order to free-up main memory. This typically improves the performance of the system, since unused memory areas don't use the limited main memory anymore. The freed-up memory can be used e.g. by applications -- or by the page cache in order to improve I/O performance. The Linux Kernel decides which memory areas are paged out, based on a LRU (least recently used) algorithm. Recently used memory areas stay in the main memory. Not recently used memory areas may be paged out to the disk.

Faced with filesystem load such as backup jobs, the Linux kernel may decide to prefer the page cache over SAP application memory areas, if these memory areas have not recently been used (depending on the memory activities this does not necessarily mean hours). It pages out these memory areas to the disk (into the swap partition or swapfile). When the application then tries to access a memory region that has been paged out, the response time is poor, since these memory areas have to be read from hard disk (paged back in). Worse, when the SAP solution running on Java incurs a Java Garbage Collection which touches all of the memory used by the Java heap, the system starts heavy page-in activity and the system may appear unresponsive for an extended period of time.

The Linux kernel behavior to page out rarely accessed memory pages and use memory as page cache is in general beneficial for overall system throughput and thus is not considered a bug and can not be changed unconditionally -- but it can be sub-optimal for specific SAP workloads.


Backup applications can bypass the page cache using Direct I/O or telling the Linux kernel that the recently accessed files (now in the page cache) should not be cached using posix_fadvise(POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED) or posix_fadvise(POSIX_FADV_DONTREUSE). Unfortunately, this is not commonly supported and thus often no help.
A new Linux kernel feature has been developed for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES), which allows the system administrator to limit the amount of page cache that the kernel uses when there is competition between application memory and page cache. It tells the Linux kernel, that once the page cache is filled to the configured limit, application memory is more important and should not be paged out. No application memory pages will be paged out to disk if the memory footprint of the workload plus the configured page cache limit does not exceed the amount of physical RAM in the system. If there is plenty of free memory, the kernel will continue to use it as page cache in order to speed up filesystem operations. In this case, the kernel exceeds the configured page cache limit. As soon as an application allocates additional memory, the page cache will be shrinked until the configured limit is reached. Below the limit, the page cache competes with application memory as if the feature would have been turned off.
Two Linux kernel tunables have been introduced:
  • vm.pagecache_limit_mb (/proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_mb)
  • vm.pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty (/proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty)
These tunables influence the size of the Linux kernel page cache.
To set the Linux kernel parameters for testing, simply use 'echo' to set the values to the respective proc-filesystem files.
For example:
echo 1024 > /proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_mb
echo 2 > /proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty
The parameters will remain in effect until they are changed again or until the system is rebooted.
To permanently configure these parameters, please add them to /etc/sysctl.conf, e.g.
vm.pagecache_limit_mb = 1024
vm.pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty = 2
The parameters are then automatically set upon boot via /etc/init.d/boot.sysctl, which can also manually be invoked using
/etc/init.d/boot.sysctl start

- or -
sysctl -p
Recommended values
It is recommended that you only set a page cache limit for SAP workloads, if the symptoms described at the top of this note are observed. For SAP systems and SAP databases, that have no swap space or just a low amount of swap space configured, we generally recommend leaving this feature disabled.
  • vm.pagecache_limit_mb

    The recommended value up to a value of 64 GB is 1/16 (~6%) of the amount of RAM, but not less than 512 MByte.
    <  8 GB:  512  (recommended min. limit)
      8 GB:  512  (=  8 * 1024 MB / 16)
      16 GB: 1024  (= 16 * 1024 MB / 16)
      32 GB: 2048  (= 32 * 1024 MB / 16)
      64 GB: 4096  (= 64 * 1024 MB / 16)

    Above 64 GB, the recommend limit is 2% of the amount of RAM, but not less than 4096 MB.

    Note for SAP HANA: SAP HANA uses a memory allocation scheme, that does never allocate more than 97% of the total amount of memory. Using a maximum of 2% for the page cache ensures, that the page cache will never compete with memory allocated by the HANA database.

    128 GB: 4096 (=recommended limit)
    256 GB: 5243 (=2% of 256 * 1024 MB)
    512 GB: 10486 (=2% of 512 * 1024 MB)
    1024 GB: 20972 (=2% of 1024 * 1024 MB)
    2048 GB: 41943 (=2% of 2048 * 1024 MB)

  • 4096 GB: 83886 (=2% of 4096  * 1024 MB)
    8192 GB: 167772 (=2% of 8192  * 1024 MB)
    16384 GB: 335544 (=2% of 16384  * 1024 MB)

    Important notes:
    • These values are recommendations and may not fit to your situation. You are allowed to set higher or lower values depending on your workload. Higher values consume more expensive RAM. You should always make sure, that your main application (like the database or application server) is configured in a way not to consume more memory than the amount of RAM minus the max. value of the page-cache. Lower values might cause system instabilities under certain conditions, especially with workloads that create a high system load.
    • Please configure your SAP system in such a way that you have enough free memory for the page cache, the OS and other services (like databases, service daemons, etc.).
      In HANA-environments, please consider adjusting the Global Allocation Limit accordingly (see SAP note 1999997 - FAQ: SAP HANA Memory for more details).
    • Keep in mind, that the configured page-cache size can still be exceeded. However, when exceeding the limit, it will never put pressure on memory allocations of other applications. For more details, please read the section 'Technical Details

  • vm.pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty

    If there are a lot of local writes and it is OK to throttle them by limiting the writeback caching, we recommended that you set the value to 0. If writing mainly happens to NFS filesystems, the default 1 should be left untouched. A value of 2 would be a middle ground, not limiting local write back caching as much, but potentially resulting in some paging.
These parameters have been found efficient in preventing SAP systems from paging out application memory and thus help to prevent performance regressions. Setting the pagecache_limit_mb to non-zero however does limit the Linux kernel's ability to take paging decisions and thus can have negative performance impact for some workloads, especially if low limits are set.
Thus the recommendation to only configure limits if needed.

A negative performance impact has not been observed in any SAP test case unless much lower limits than the recommended ones have been set.

We encourage you to share your experience and ask questions about these tunables at
Technical details
  • /proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_mb

    This tunable sets a soft limit of the page cache in megabytes. If it is set to zero (default), the paging behavior is unchanged from the standard Linux kernel behavior. If non-zero, it will configure a soft page cache limit -- the page cache can still grow above the configured size if the system has significant amount of free memory. However, when exceeding the limit, the page cache will never put pressure on the memory allocations of other applications. Furthermore it will immediately be shrunk up to the configured limit, if an application requires the memory. Using the remaining free memory for the page cache helps to improve the overall performance of a system. (See above for recommended values.)
  • /proc/sys/vm/pagecache_limit_ignore_dirty

    This tunable influences whether dirty memory is considered part of the limited page cache, as we can not as easily free up dirty memory (we need to do writes for this) as clean memory. By setting this to 0, dirty (unmapped) memory will be considered freeable and the Linux kernel will try to write the pages out when enforcing the page cache limit. It effectively thus enforces a severe limit to the write back cache for filesystem writes -- typically much lower than the normal limit (percentage) configured via vm.dirty_ratio (/proc/sys/vm/dirty_ratio). By setting this to 1 (ignore all dirty memory in the page cache when enforcing the limit) the page cache can actually grow well beyond the configured limit if lots of writes happen to local filesystems.Values larger than 1 are also possible and result in a fraction of the dirty pages to be considered freeable. (See above for recommended values.)
More details are available in /usr/src/linux/Documentation/vm/pagecache-limit
from the kernel-source package.
Availability of this solution
The solution has been developed for the Linux kernel shipped with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 and has been shipping as an *experimental* feature. After successful real-world validation with a number of pilot customers, this feature is now generally supported for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 11 SP1 and later service pack versions, as well as with SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP Applications 12.
Known Problems
Due to a bug in previous versions of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server kernel, systems with a large amount of CPU cores might freeze in case they are under heavy load. This bug has been fixed and the patch is available as of the kernel versions listed below. We strongly recommend updating your kernel.
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3: Kernel version 3.0.101-0.40 (SUSE TID) or later versions
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP2: Kernel version 3.0.101- or later versions

Hana Database High Availability using Shared Storage/ non-Shared Storage

There are two type of Storage while using HANA High Availability multi host functionality

1:  Shared Storage

A shared storage subsystem, which is accessed using file systems such as NFS or IBM's
GPFS, makes it easy to ensure that the standby host has access to all active host files in the
system. In a shared storage solution, the externally attached storage subsystem devices can
provide dynamic mount points for hosts.Since shared storage subsystems vary in their handling of fencing.

In Shared storage below file system are shared as shown  in below image


Non-Shared Storage

It is also possible to assign every SAP HANA host a separate storage, which has nothing
mounted except the shared area. A SAN storage must be used in combination with the SAP
Fiber Channel Storage Connector, which SAP HANA offers storage technology vendors.
During failover, SAP HANA uses the storage connector API to tell the storage device driver to
re-mount the required data and logs volumes to the standby host and fence off the same
volumes from the failed host.

Only FS /hana/shared/SID/ is shared /mounted on different hosts. remaining host SAN Storage


Note : The SAP Fiber Channel Storage Connector Admin Guide available in SAP Note 1900823.

fs like /hana/log  /hana/data

Thursday 17 October 2019

Client copy execution failed with error missing RFC Destination / Error : name or password is incorrect ( repeat logon )


You may face this issue while doing local client copy/ remote client copy as it require RFC connection. it is for communication between clients or systems. If Destination RFC (FINBTR@XXXXXXXXXX) are missing then while scheduling background job you may face this issue.

Error : 

Client copy execution failed with error missing RFC Destination / Error : name or password is incorrect   ( repeat logon )


1: as this error comes at client copy process. it means we are logged in new client. Hence user is default user that is SAP*

2: After providing all details like source client/ client number/ target client/ parallel process etc.
when we click on schedule job / start immediately we get above error

3: click on Wizard and it will take you to new RFC creation screen as show below will create RFC below format.

FINBTR@PRDCLNT100/200 etc      ( we can see these in SM59 / ABAP RFC )

4: as show in screen it will automatically create Destination/ user for RFC with require authorization
and once you click on complete it provide confirmation about completion of process.

2 : Error

Below error is because of load balancing setting which comes under RFC configuration process

--- to resolve this error got to SM59 as given in error Destination name. Open same RFC and remove load balancing setting

Error 3:

We may received error "  Error : name or password is incorrect   ( repeat logon )"

--- To resolve this issue

Login on source client

Go to Tcode SU01 and open which create in RFC creation procedure and change password

Enter same password in Destination (FINBTR@QASCLNT100)  in SM59

We can verify whether transport methods are created or not by Tcode :  FINB_TR_DEST

Now again execute Tcode SCCL/ SCC9 provide require details, schedule background job. as how below 

Click on continue and option ( below option came as it test run before actual execution)

Once selected resource check execution started 

We can check status in SCC3

Tcode used 

1: SCCL 
2: SCC9
3: SM59
4: SCC3

Create Logical System in SAP ( ECC / S4HANA etc)


1: User with sufficient authorization
2: Client need open (cross-client modification must allow with other settings)   -- SCC4 / SE06


Login on SAP system with Standard user like DDIC, SAP*  ( Authorization purpose)
Run Tcode  - sale

Then go to --  Basic settings  -- Logical Systems -> click on Define Logical Systems
Note: The table is cross-client

Create new logical system and record change in new workbench request ans save changes

as show below provide description and save changes

as shown below request created for new logical system and details saved in Table " V_TBDLS

Click on continue

Logical System created


Friday 4 October 2019

Open SAP / SAP Solution Manager

Open SAP is great source of knowledge for person or people those want to learn SAP or SAP components etc.

You just, need to have email account to sign Open SAP 

Please click on below link to go to OpenSAP


When HANA system get lock

System Lockdown

The HANA DATABASE goes into lockdown mode in the following situations:

●    The temporary license key has expired.
●    You were using a temporary license key and the hardware key has changed.
●    The permanent license key has expired and you did not renew it within 28 days.
●    The installed license key is an enforced license key and the current memory consumption                     exceeds the licensed amount plus the tolerance.
●    You deleted all license keys installed in your database.

In lockdown mode, no queries are possible. Only a user with the system privilege LICENSE ADMIN can connect to the database and execute license-related queries, such as, obtain previous license data, install a new license key, and delete installed license keys.
In addition, the database cannot be backed up in lockdown mode.

If a system has locked down due to an invalid or expired license, the icon indicating the operational status of the system in the Systems view and the System Monitor changes accordingly.

HANA DB license and Types

HANA DB license and Types

License keys are required to use SAP HANA databases. You can install, and delete license keys using the SAP HANA studio, the SAP HANA HDBSQL command line tool, and SQL.

There are two types of license 

Temporary License Keys

A temporary license key, which is valid for 90 days, is automatically installed with a new SAP HANA system. During this period, you should request and apply for a permanent license key.

Permanent License Keys

You can request a permanent license key on the SAP Service Marketplace under Keys & Requests. 
Permanent license keys are valid until the predefined expiration date. Furthermore, they specify the amount of memory licensed to the target SAP HANA installation. Before a permanent license key expires, you should request and apply a new permanent license key. If a permanent license key expires, a temporary license key valid for 28 days is automatically installed. During this time, you can request and install a new permanent license key.
There are two types of permanent license key available for SAP HANA: 
unenforced and enforced. If an unenforced license key is installed, the operation of SAP HANA has not affected its memory consumption. exceeds the licensed amount of memory. However, if an enforced license is installed, the system is locked down when the current memory consumption of SAP HANA exceeds the licensed amount of memory plus some tolerance. 

License Key Type License Key File Entry
 Unenforced         SWPRODUCTNAME=SAP-HANA

You can check the properties of your SAP HANA license in the SAP HANA studio. You must have the system privilege "LICENSE ADMIN"

How to check

Select the Systems
to view, right-click the system
choose Properties -- License 
you will get the below screen

Here we can see License Type/ start date and Expire Date

we can also check the license and other important details from view M_LICENSES

select * from "PUBLIC"."M_LICENSES"

IMP: to download the license we need the HANA DB installation number which we can find on the same screen

Rupesh Chavan

Monday 30 September 2019

How to check HANA Database client version

HANA Database client version

There are different ways to check HANA Database client version

1: manifest files
We can check version details in manifest file which is located at


hanaserver:hdbadm 70> more manifest
release: 1.00
rev-number: 097
rev-patchlevel: 03

2: We can check HANA Database client version at SAP level
Logon SAP level

      Go to system --> status --> other kernel info ( new small display will open)
      Database information

Note : will get details show below

DB Client Library   : SQLDBC
Database Releases:  HANA 1.0, HANA 2.0
DBSL Version     : 749.05
DBSL Patch Level :    701

3: we can check HANA Database client version while doing upgrade. Installation screen will provide installed component version.

4: We can check HANA Database client version at OS level at Application server.
Login at application server at OS level with sidadm user
      Go to work directory
      cdD  ( it will take you /usr/sap/SID/DVEBMGS00 )
      cd work/
      sidadm > cat dev_w21 | grep client
 Loading SQLDBC client runtime (pid=2280)...
 SQLDBC Module  : /usr/sap/ISD/hdbclient/
 SQLDBC client runtime is

Sunday 29 September 2019

How to uninstall HANA Database hdbuninst

There are different method to uninstall HANA database. we are going to use OS and with root user. 

We are going to uninstall HANA database. We may face situation more than one HANA database installed and we need uninstall one Hana database.

Please follow below procedure for same.

1: login on host with root user

2: go to installation directory

/dumps/ 51052325/DATA_UNITS/HDB_SERVER_LINUX_X86_64

3: we need to run uninstaller as show below


4: it will ask which HANA DB you want to uninstall then do the selection by providing number as we provided 0. As shown below

5: it will ask for confirmation. Once we confirm it will uninstall HANA database automatically. 
It will remove all data and log files from directory those where created during installation 


/hana/shared/HDB and its subdirectories


Friday 27 September 2019

How to check HANA DB Sync (replication) between primary system and secondary system

How to check HANA DB Sync (replication) between primary system and secondary system

System Replication is in status ACTIVE and you would like to know status of logs shipped from primary system to secondary. There are two ways to check it, one by running SQL minicheck, other through hdbcons command.

1. Inorder to find whether primary system and secondary system are in SYNC, you can run SQL minicheck "HANA_Replication_SystemReplication_Status.txt" attached to SAP Note 1969700.

Output be like:

|PATH         |HOSTS                                  |PORT |SHIP_DELAY_H|MODE      |STATUS|STATUS_DETAILS               |
|ha1 -> ha2|saphana2100 -> saphana2101|30205|       1.46       |SYNCMEM|ERROR |Log shipping timeout occurred|

From SHIP_DELAY_H value, you will know the interval for which logreplay has to happen in secondary system. So the changes in primary for that time (SHIP_DELAY_H) are still needed to be made in secondary

SAP HANA Tenant Databases

SAP HANA supports multiple isolated databases in a single SAP HANA system. These are referred to as tenant databases.

An SAP HANA system is capable of containing more than one tenant database.
A system always has exactly one system database, used for central system administration, and any number of tenant databases (including zero). An SAP HANA system is identified by a single system ID (SID). Databases are identified by a SID and a database name. From the administration perspective, there is a distinction between tasks performed at system level and those performed at database level. Database clients, such as the SAP HANA studio, connect to specific databases.
All the databases share the same installation of database system software, the same computing resources, and the same system administration. However, each database is self-contained and fully isolated with its own:
Set of database users

Database catalog




Traces and logs

Only the system database runs the name server. The name server contains landscape information about the system as a whole, including which tenant databases exist. It also provides indexserver functionality for the system database.
Tenant databases require only an own index server. Servers that do not persist data, such as the compile server and the preprocessor server, run on the system database and serve all databases.

The following figure shows a sample system with three databases (system database and two tenant databases) on a single host.

How to start/stop HANA Database / How to start/stop single tenant database from OS level or from HANA Studio

Please follow below procedure if you have HANA studio install

1: Open HANA studio  
2: go to System DB
3: open SQL à run command
Note: We have to provide name tenant database which we have to stop

Stop all tenant databases in the system.

In the system database, execute the SQL statement


 You can also stop tenant databases in the Manage Databases app of the SAP HANA cockpit.

Start all tenant databases.

In the system database, execute the SQL statement


Note: You can also start tenant databases in the Manage Databases app of the SAP HANA cockpit.

STOP HANA System and tenant DATABASE from OS level.

Note: Please login with sidadm of HDB. It will stop HANA DB. It will take time as per size of DB. We can check services status with command   “HDB info “ in duplicate session


Login user id at OS: hdbadm

Run below command after login with hdbadm

HDB stop 


 HDB start

To Check status of HANA service rung below command 

HDB info